Nature is the best.
Dulu, jepret-menjepret merupakan aktivitas luang saya yang asyik, selain menggambar, membaca, masak dan beberapa lainnya. Tapi sekarang-sekarang ini, terutama semenjak memulai ngeblog, kegiatan-kegiatan itu agak terabaikan. Sedih, tapi gimana lagi, salah saya sendiri sih yang sulit mengatur waktu dan tenaga. Terjemahannya: Flashback - my fun activity long time ago, (no time to do that again lately), I had taken some pictures (photos) related to this topic.
Berikut saya bagikan lagi. Kenangan petualangan dulu, pakai habdphone kesayangan. Coba translate lagi: Here i share again, yellow flowers which are beautifully brightened around my house and neighbours. (I only used my old phone camera), these are the result ......
Hope you enjoy those natural yellows.
It's not only each of us has different opinion about the meaning of this color, but also Wikipedia - Yellow, some interesting points that i found there;
In Europe and United States, yellow means amusement, optimism, gentleness, and spontaneity .. (Mmmmhhh yupie ^_^)
In another side, it could be means a duplicity, envy, jealousy, avarice. And a cowardice in the U.S. .. (Hiks ? T_T)
In Asian culture, yellow is the color of happiness, glory, wisdom, harmony and culture. (Nice Nice ^___^)
Sudah dulu ya Dears .. nanti-nanti sambung lagi. ^.^